Users can select the type of Agenda to propose. Type A Agendas are related to Tokamak Networks System parameter values and changes to those. Type B Agendas are all Agendas relating to all other functions of the Tokamak Network that are controlled by the DAO.

Propose - Type A

Type A consists of 4 contracts.

A list of contract functions appears when you click on a specific contract box. Agendas relating to each of these functions can then be made by clicking on these functions.

After selecting a function, a modal is created. In this modal, a section to input function parameters, as well as a section for a description are included. Values for the parameter function must be input such that they are suited to the function. The description section supports markdown formatting.

An important point to remember is that in order to create an Agenda, TON must be used. Currently that value is set to 100 TON, but this can be adjusted through an Agenda.

Propose - Type B

Type B is the same structure as Type A. Type B includes all functions that do not fall under Type A. Type B Agendas are expected to be used in emergency situations, and by those who are very familiar with the Tokamak Network system.