Tokamak Network DAO is a structure in which 3 committee members make the final decision. The number of members can be changed through agendas. To be committee members, you have to be a candidate getting more votes than current members. First of all, follow the process of candidate registration(Link), if you want to be committee members.

Currently there can only be 3 Members, but The number of members can be changed through agendas.

Candidate info

Elected Candidates refers to current committee members. Each card will show a members name, number of votes, and the date they were elected. More detailed information on the member can be found by clicking the View Detail button.


In order to become a Member, a Candidate must issue a challenge. The requirements to conduct a challenge are that the Challenge must hold more votes than an elected Member. In the case where the Candidate has more votes than a Member, the Challenge becomes a member

The Challenge button is only visible to Candidates, and will become usable when a challenge is possible. A Member cannot challenge another member.


A Member can only retire from their position at any time. The Retire button is used for this purpose.

Your Vote